Welcome to the "Tab Cloak" page! This will allow you to change the name and icon to a tab. On GoGuardian it will show the page to be named what you chose. To install this bookmarklet Drag the code below into the bookmark bar if you can't see that then press CTRL+SHIFT+B.

javascript:document.title=prompt('Welcome to the Tab Cloak setup!\n\nEnter the title you want to set for this tab::');var icon=document.querySelector(`link[rel='icon']`);if (!icon) {icon = document.createElement('link');icon.rel='icon';};switch(prompt('What icon would you like to use?\n\n[1] Google Search\n[2] Google Drive\n[3] Custom URL\n\nPlease only enter a number!%27)){case%271%27:icon.setAttribute(%27href%27,%27https://www.google.com/favicon.ico%27);break;case%272%27:icon.setAttribute(%27href%27,%27https://ssl.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/drive_2020q4_32dp.png%27);break;case%273%27:icon.setAttribute(%27href%27,prompt(%27Please enter the URL for the icon you want:%27));} document.head.appendChild(icon);